What is AROS ? - a portable, improved open source reimplementation of Amiga OS 3.1. Currently available for: i386, x86_64bit, Amiga m68k, ARM (RaspberryPi) and Efika CHRP / SAM440 PPC hardware, running natively, and/or hosted inside Linux (i386, x86_64bit, PPC), Windows (i386), MacOS (i386), Android (ARM). (Nice, eh?)

What is AROS alive ? - a series of videos exploring various aspects of AROS, and this website with articles about AROS related subjects.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

"AROS One" v1.9 released

"AROS One" by AMIGASYSTEM might currently be the most actively maintained AROS distro.

Version 1.9 of "AROS One" - a ABI v0 based AROS distro for m68k and x86 computers - has been released a couple of days ago. Among the updates are new docs in PDF, AmigaGuide, HTML and doc format, themes and iconsets, a new touchpad driver,  improved file system support - and as always lots of applications and games.

"AROS One" 1.9 as seen on https://sites.google.com/view/arosone

Here's the release thread on EAB with lots of details and q & a:


Go to "AROS One" website for more information, forum links, video links, screenshots, and download:


Additional sources:

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